Monday, August 28, 2006

Piano "Little" Man

Today one of Gabe's favorite people, Aunt N., came by and taught him to play his Leap Frog Piano. He was really into it. I think we have a future music man in the family. Maybe he'll play some duets with Aunt N. in the future. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Gabe's Hotel Bathtub

We're having a forced mini-vacation in a hotel this weekend because our A/C's on the blink and it's 90 degrees in the house. When it came time for a bath, Gabe just barely fit in the baby bathtub, aka the sink...

Gabe Visits Greece

Wow, look at this beautiful boat! Kind of makes us long for a return to the blue blue waters of Santorini! This was Gabe's first Greek restaurant, and while the food was okay, we would have much
preferred to visit his Pappou's restaurant instead...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

New Friend!

Just couldn't resist at BRU -- it was on sale!!! Maybe we'll use it to open our own photo studio... Posted by Picasa

The Latest Visit to the Pediatrician

Ouch!! I don't think Gabe is real high on the whole get-a-shot thing. (Notice the multiple bandaids -- also doing a bilirubin test.) He's still too young to get an ice cream cone out of it...

On the fun side, at 4 weeks he's 12 pounds and 23 inches! Posted by Picasa

Okay, so a Rocket Scientist he's not -- yet!

Gabe still hasn't entirely grasped the concept that the finger bones are connected to the arm bones and so on up to the central nervous system. He likes to grasp on to things, and lately he's discovered a really attractive bunch of hair at the back of his head. Unfortunately, pulling on that lock of hair hurts -- but he doesn't connect the two! This little stunt reduces Mama to tears...of laughter! This picture was captured on the fly -- the blur happened because Mama was laughing too hard to hold the camera steady.

Shortly after this picture she vanished into the bathroom mumbling something about peeing her pants... Posted by Picasa


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Sunday, August 20, 2006


Just noticed that he's looking particularly cute in his stroller tonight. He shows about as much interest in shopping as his Daddy does!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oh, What a Long Day!!

Boy, we know how you feel, Gabe! We visited Gabe's first neighborhood party last night, and the music and the people plumb wore him out!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Tummy Time!

This picture was taken just after we discovered from the pediatrician that putting Gabe on his tummy every now and then is good for him. This was his first time on his front, and he was really thinking hard about this new experience... Posted by Picasa

Bath Time!

Gabe loves his bath time! He lays back peacefully and just enjoys the washcloth and the water -- this kid knows a good massage when he finds one!! His hair looks almost golden when he comes out of the bath. Whose kid is this again??

Grumpy Gabe

Well, this is the kind of day today has been. Daddy was in a meeting all day, so Mommy had to try to settle Gabe down, and after being up three times last night. Not fun... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 06, 2006

DANGER: Ink plus Baby

More crazy parent stuff -- we decided to make his footprints and handprints in ink. I know, I know...parental excitement does sometimes override good judgment. Luckily, the makers of the kit have some idea of the chaos that could ensue -- maybe they're parents themselves -- and so they made the ink so that it can be cleaned up with baby wipes. Or maybe they just own stock in a baby wipe company...

In any case, the feet worked out okay, and we didn't ruin the tablecloth or any clothing. The hands are harder, though. We've already tried twice and just ended up with black fingerpaint pictures and a baby that looks like he's ready for football season.

It all came out reasonably well, though...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Nursing isn't so easy in a restaurant...

Hmmm... I think we're going to have to work on this...

Gabe's First Sports Bar

The maternal grandparents are in town and we're all tired of cooking, so we thought we'd visit our favorite Italian family restaurant. Since the wait is longish we ended up with primo seats at the
bar! Gabe seemed to enjoy watching football on TV...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Gabe's cousin Emma came over to visit this evening. (She's the one in pink!) Emma was born just one day before Gabe, and it'll be fun to watch the two of them grow up together!

Gabe is already reaching out to build a relationship with his favorite cousin! Posted by Picasa