Sunday, August 06, 2006

DANGER: Ink plus Baby

More crazy parent stuff -- we decided to make his footprints and handprints in ink. I know, I know...parental excitement does sometimes override good judgment. Luckily, the makers of the kit have some idea of the chaos that could ensue -- maybe they're parents themselves -- and so they made the ink so that it can be cleaned up with baby wipes. Or maybe they just own stock in a baby wipe company...

In any case, the feet worked out okay, and we didn't ruin the tablecloth or any clothing. The hands are harder, though. We've already tried twice and just ended up with black fingerpaint pictures and a baby that looks like he's ready for football season.

It all came out reasonably well, though...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I admire your courage... I'm sure these footprints are a treasure...