Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mommy as a Baby!

Mommy wants equal time! This is what Gabriel would have looked like if his name was Gabrielle! Posted by Picasa

Take Me Out...

Gabe's first baseball game happened to be the Royals vs. the Red Sox -- and you can see where his loyalties lie! Posted by Picasa

Can You Say "Ahhh"?!?

We're ready for our next doctor's appointment! Posted by Picasa

Watching the World

Gabe seems to really enjoy the outdoors, even if it's sometimes just through the window... Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 29, 2006

Daddy as a Baby!

Hey, look at this picture from the archives -- Daddy as a baby! Dye that hair blonde,'s Gabriel! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bubbles galore!

Eureka! I've discovered how to make bubbles with my mouth. What fun! Posted by Picasa

I Found It!!!

Gabriel has found his thumb. It took him a while to get there. First, he'd shove the whole fist in, then two fingers and voila....just his thumb. It's his new pacifier. Posted by Picasa
Mommy decided to dress me up in my doggy outfit and take some shots. As you can see, I'm a natural...ham!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Gabe In Church

Gabe likes church about as much as his Grandpa...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Two Month Checkup

Gabe is growing! These pictures show his favorite activity of the past week -- smiling in a way that melts the hearts of adults the world over!

He visited the pediatrician this week, and he's now 14 pounds 6 ounces and 24.75 inches long (tall). So he's almost doubled his weight since he was born (8 lbs 9 ozs), and he's grown more than 3 inches! Let's see, if he keeps that up he'll be 6 feet tall at the age of...2 years 10 months!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Gabe's First Greek Festival

Gabe is becoming ever-more Greek (just like his Dad!) with his first exposure to super-loud Greek music and copious quantities of wine. He seemed to thoroughly enjoy the festival, especially the dancing (notice the dancers behind him). Momma swears that he'll be a great Greek dancer someday! Posted by Picasa
We think that Gabe will really like this chair swing...some day...maybe...we hope... Posted by Picasa

He Can Smile!!

Here's one of Gabe's first smiles! Now we're waiting on the laughter.... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Doesn't he look like he's about 3 years old...?? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Spinach Festival

Gabe met a true American Hero today -- Popeye! Eat your spinach, Gabe!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Back from Boston!

Daddy is SO GLAD to have Mommy and Gabe back home again!! And Gabe seems to be celebrating, too! Posted by Picasa

The Back Carrier

When Daddy lived in Africa with the Peace Corps, the women had to work all day so they carried their babies on their backs, secured there by a strip of cloth. Well, when it's time to wash the dishes and Gabe just won't be put down -- we found a way to use the American version of the strip of cloth! Gabe really seems to enjoy being close to Daddy this way, and we can actually get some work done together! Posted by Picasa