Saturday, October 28, 2006

We visited our local pumpkin patch and found a very special little pumpkin in the mix. We decided to take him home. For a pumpkin, he is really sweet.

Here's looking at you!

Christmas in October? Well, it has to be done for a boy who is already wearing six month old clothing . I don't think we'll make it to December in these outfits.

Look here!

Look what I found: two feet! Wow! I can make them move. Posted by Picasa

My monkey and me

This stuffed monkey is my best friend.

Milk time!

I have no moments to myself. Can't even drink my milk without the paparazzi snapping photos. Posted by Picasa

The Newest Talk Show Host

Gabriel is just talking up a storm. Here he is telling us what he really thinks. Posted by Picasa

Relaxing in the Evenings

Posted by Picasa There is nothing like a cuddle and a bottle of milk to make me happy!

Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm Tired!

Gabe hasn't been sleeping all that well -- which means Mommy and Daddy aren't sleeping well either! But he visited his great-grandpa for a while this afternoon, and supervised some work on his Yia-yia and Papou's house -- so hopefully he'll sleep well tonight!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hear Me Roar!

As the weather cools, Gabe has a new hat...

A New Chair!

Mommy and Daddy got a new place to sit and read, but it looks like Gabriel still needs to grow into it...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Cutest Pout

AS you can see, I am into making different kinds of facial expressions. Voila the pout. Posted by Picasa

My best friend

I just love my monkey!!! Wherever I go, he goes. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Gabe's First Auction

A local furniture store had a going out of business auction today. Gabe tried to bid on a neat new baby bed, but he just couldn't keep up with the auctioneer!