Saturday, November 25, 2006

End of the Day

After all that learning, his brain is tired! Posted by Picasa

Math, too

When Gabe gets tired of reading, he heads over to the "Math Mat" on Yia Yia's living room floor. Posted by Picasa

Turkey Day!

We couldn't adequately celebrate a holiday without coming up with a silly little costume for Gabe, now could we...? Posted by Picasa


When he reads, Gabe like to "interact" with the book. That tends to mean a fair bit of swatting and grabbing, and sometimes even a little bit of tasting. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Long calf

I'm very long. Next week we get to go to the doctor and find out how long I am. Posted by Picasa


I guess I'll have to go out and find some grub. Hmmm. I see mommy over there. Posted by Picasa

Little cow

I was looking for some chow but all I found was this pumpkin. Posted by Picasa

Sleepy eyes

Sometimes I struggle to keep my eyes open. Not doing too bad in this picture though.  Posted by Picasa

Elephants, eek!

Daddy's trying to introduce me to elephants but I don't think I like them much. I'll stick with my stuffed monkey. Posted by Picasa

Night owl

I used to make an owl face but now I'm all grown up. ...well, four months old. Still love my owl outfit though. Posted by Picasa

Smiling away!

I give my mom this smile when I want to melt her heart. Cute isn't it? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Couch sitting

This is the life. Laying around while mom and dad cater to my every whim. Posted by Picasa

Orange you cute!

Self-explanatory, I think! Posted by Picasa

Still exploring

Hmm. Kind of tough but not bad. Posted by Picasa

Future scientist?

I'm trying to figure this thing out. I turn it this way and that. It is mesmerizing. Maybe I should stick it in my mouth. Posted by Picasa

I'm blue.

I just don't know what to do with myself today. I guess I'll just play with my hands.  Posted by Picasa

Sitting Around

Daddy went and bought me a Bumbo seat. I don't sit in it for long because I have other things to do like lay around in my playcenter and bouncy seat. I also have to explore my toys, but every once in a while I get to relax in my Bumbo. I look like a big boy , don't I? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Gabe's first visit to Dean and Deluca! Still not very interested in sandwiches, though...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Puppy Love

One of mommy's friends at work sent me a little gift- my very own puppy. I hope the cats don't get jealous! Posted by Picasa

Christmas in October?

There are little elves busy at work at our house. We caught one on film. Posted by Picasa

My first Halloween

Trick-or-Treat! Posted by Picasa

Caterpillar Halloween

We found a crazy little caterpillar crawling along our couch. We thought we'd keep him because he was too cute!! Posted by Picasa