Sunday, February 18, 2007

Get Ready...Get Set...

...Fall Down! Okay, we're getting very, very close... Posted by Picasa

Binky Graveyard

Ever wonder where all your pacifiers have gone? Just take a look behind the crib...! Posted by Picasa

So alive!

Gabe really loves it when Daddy makes him fly! Posted by Picasa


We're well into the cereals and the fruits and vegetables now. Feeding Gabe is a trip -- you have to move pretty quickly to keep up with his ability to put it away, and he's not shy about letting you know if you slack off! Anybody wanna give it a try? Posted by Picasa


Gabe is super-excited about this new toy-system he got from one of Daddy's college roommates. He jumps and twists and chews on all the little toys that are attached around him. Daddy had fun putting it together, too! Posted by Picasa

Pooh Wrestling

Now that Gabriel is as big as Pooh (bigger?), they can play nice together, and Pooh doesn't pick on Gabe quite as much. Posted by Picasa

Favorite Photos from February

Here are some fun recent pictures of the Little Man. He's growing!