Monday, May 28, 2007


I just love pushing my new toy around. I'm soooo close to walking but need a little help.
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Muscle Man!

It is my Herculean blood that makes me strong!
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My buddy

This is my friend Wyatt. We're hanging out at his house. I can't wait to play with him!
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Terere anyone?

Mom and her Peace Corps friends introduced me to the Paraguayan custom of drinking terere. I'm getting ready for a future visit to Paraguay.
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I'm innocent!!

Dad and I were both wanded at the airport. I swear I don't have anything you'd like to see in my diaper.
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New Housekeeper?

I have to do all the work around here. Aren't there child labor laws? Can I at least get an allowance?
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Can you tell we're family?

We're all blonde and blue eyed on dad's side of the family.
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This blue is not my color

Dad made me wear this Royals hat even though he knows I'm a die hard Red Sox fan. Oh well! I guess pappou and the theos are going to have to take me to a Red Sox game this summer to make up for it.
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The Grapes of Gabe

Gabe just loves eating grapes. He can't get enough.
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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Gabe's First Brewery Tour

We visited the hometown Boulevard Brewery today, and Gabriel really enjoyed the...cups...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Constant Gardener

Gabriel has decided he wants to be like Mommy and do some work with the dirt.

However, Gabe's plans for the dirt aren't always what Mommy had in mind...

Cat Fight

Okay, so maybe the cat food doesn't taste quite as good as it looks...
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Happy Feet!

Wow, those dancing shoes are moving too fast for the camera!
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Jungle Outpost

Before the first lawn-mowing of the year, Gabe had a chance to watch Mommy plant her garden from the vantage point of a little toy-filled oasis. Watch out for the stalking wild animal!!
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Okay, now that he's found one without the forbidden chocolate, he's gettin' BUSY with it!
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Combination of Cultures

Here's a fun metaphor for the fusion that is Gabriel -- a Red Sox cap from the Boston relatives for a Royals-town boy, and a snack from the "dry-toast" side of the family... ;-)
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The Playpen

Well...this started out okay, as this picture shows, but the playpen has proven to be just too...confining, I guess, for the boundless energies of Gabriel. These days putting him in the "pen" accomplishes nothing but a big crying fit while he peers over the edge like a convict heading up the river...
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Chocolate Strawberry

I'm sorry, but I can't eat chocolate yet -- my mommy said so. Please take this away. :(
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Gabe really thinks this dessert thing is cool. Mom has discovered a line of baby foods that actually include dessert, and they make him want to clean his plate!
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Easter Loot!

Gabe really enjoyed all the Easter baskets from his visit to Boston. There's nothing like a good Greek Orthodox Easter to spoil a kid!
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