Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Gabe in the Sandbox

Gabe raced me out to the sandbox this evening. He seems to enjoy it more and more.

Friday, August 24, 2007

A bunch of lemons

My cousin of wisdom, Sophia, and I enjoyed our sucking on lemons party while the adults had a great Mexican meal.
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Cling 0n

I hang onto my mommy every chance I get.
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I tried to get away from the paparaxxi but they recognized me in my new hairdo.
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Yogi Master

Focus is key.
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Vege Attack

To-May-To, To -Mah-To......doesn't matter how you pronounce 'um . I love them!!!!
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Dirty Boy!

I was gardening and some dirt accidentally made it to my mouth. Yuck!! 
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Water Play

My Theo Taki was just cracking me up.

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Pool boy

I'm just swimming the days away.

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Gabe the Gerbil

I'm just loving my new toy. Watch me go!!!




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Thursday, August 09, 2007

In the Pool!

Gabe just loves his backyard pool. Thanks, Thea and Theo!