Thursday, June 26, 2008

Look at Me!

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Ring Around the Fountain

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I love this.

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I'm always tempted to jump.

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Up I go

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The Fish

I love swimming. I think I can do it all. I walk over until I can't reach. I do flips. I blow bubbles. I think I could live in water.
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Another puzzle?

I'm done with Sudoku dad. Now what?
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I climb up anything and everything. Watch out mom and dad!
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You crack me up!

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Oh, you just want to play with me? O.K.

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Don't mess with me or my cars!

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crazy climber and jumper

I just love jumping and climbing in and on the couch. My favorite is when mom and dad take all the cushions off and let me dive right on in.

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chef Gabe

...and now for my delicious vegetable concoction.

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Just a little more...

Mom, it justs needs a bit more pepper.
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Happy Father's Day

Daddy and I celebrated his big day with a steak at J. Gilberts. Yum!!
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Monday, June 16, 2008

Gabe's Younger Sibling...Revealed!!

Here we go, the first baby-looking pix from the womb:

And now...for the BIG finish...!