Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm growing!

I weigh 11.9 lbs and am 22 3/4 in. long. The doc told me so yesterday.
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Gabe's Experimenting

Gabriel has been trying out all his old equipment. He's tried the co-sleeper, a reclining chair, and now the swing. He doesn't quite get that he doesn't fit anymore. He makes himself fit. He got into all of them by himself. Imagine the laughter when we came into the living room and saw this.
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Swinging along

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Cracking a Smile

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Relaxing with Cooper

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The Three of Us

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My Friend Brody and Me

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Rocking and Rolling

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Sleepy Time

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More Tummy Time

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Tummy Time

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008