Saturday, January 23, 2010

Vigorous Lunchtime Exercise

More Swim Lessons

Back at the gym today with Gabe for swim lessons.  He's learning to put his face in the water and kick.  Teacher seems great!

Michael's in the child care center, and not too happy about it.  Hope that improves over time.

Heading to Chuckie Cheese for lunch after.  Kid day!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Quotes to Make You Smile - Babysitter Edition

From the babysitter's Mom today:  

"She came home smiling the other night after baby-sitting.  I guess Gabe asked her where babies come from?  She told them from "mommy".  I don't know if it is time for "the talk" yet but just wanted to give you a heads up :-)"

Friday, January 08, 2010

Stitches Out

Michael got the stitches out today.  It was a pretty scary experience -- it took 3 people to hold him and he struggled so hard he threw up! -- but he's healing nicely as you can see in the photo.

Monday, January 04, 2010


Here's a look without the bandage.  Not bad for all that drama!

As a bonus here are a couple of bedtime activity photos..


Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Day After

Michael had a great night of sleep and he's his normal rambunctious self today.  The wound looks clean and normal and the stitches look tight.  He's not scratching (yet) so all is good!  Thanks for all the well-wishes!

Saturday, January 02, 2010


Four stitches later, this is one exhausted boy!

One more step!

After irrigation (cleaning) and before stitches....


Doc came in to look, and they put numbing creme on with a clear bandage.  Thirty minutes and then they'll put in the stitches.

Still Waiting...

Got the bandage changed and into a room, but may be another hour for a doc...

More Pix

In the waiting room now.  Nurse says he'll need to see a doc for stitches.  :-(  Worse, the wait is at least an hour.  :-( :-(

On the way to Children's Mercy

Sugar Ray strikes again...


Upon returning from the gym with Parthena: “Daddy, somebody killed my mother!  That lady at the gym was brutal!


Friday, January 01, 2010

Sugar Ray Wollen

Even though it looks like he stayed in the ring one round too many, he really does win most of his collisions with tables.  These two eye injuries were just lucky punches...